Milí účastníci konference Vis-Imp, rádi přeposíláme pozvánku na Mezinárodní pěvecký resp. hudební týden zrakově postižených v Hannoveru od 27. července do 4. srpna 2024. Akci organizuje Německá federace nevidomých a slabozrakých, k nám se dostala díky konferenci Evropské unie nevidomých pro mladé. Uzávěrka pro přihlašování je 1. května. Cena za ubytování s plnou penzí je 300 euro pro zrakově postižené účastníky, 150 euro pro průvodce. Pro samostatné zrakově postižené, zvládající základní péči o sebe, je dle organizátorů pobyt možný i bez doprovodu. Dorozumívacími jazyky budou angličtina a němčina, proto níže zasíláme pozvánku nepřeloženou do češtiny, pouze v angličtině. Německý originál najdete na odkazu: https://www.dbsv.org/files/blindheit-sehbehinderung/DBSVInternationalMusicWe... Týden je určen zpěvákům a zpěvačkám všech možných hudebních žánrů, schopnost ovládat nějaký hudební nástroj je vítána, není však podmínkou. Koho nabídka zaujala, čtěte dále. Budeme rádi, když tato zajímavá akce bude mít i české účastníky a uvítáme, když nám dáte vědět, že se do Hannoveru chystáte, ale zejména, jak jste byli spokojeni. Hudební pozvánku předává Luboš Zajíc ---------- Dear friends, Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband, DBSV (German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted, www.dbsv.org) invites young and adult persons with visual impairment to the international music week. This invitation can be found online here: https://www.dbsv.org/files/blindheit-sehbehinderung/DBSVInternationalMusicWe... Classical choral pieces, instrumental pieces, pop songs, rap or beatbox - you don't even have to choose, you can have it all at our international music week. For one week, you will practise exciting polyphonic songs, choral and instrumental pieces under experienced direction and can also train your voice under the guidance of a professional voice coach. There is a obligatory daily choir rehearsal for everyone. You can also sing solo or contribute an instrumental piece. We will make the music with you that you enjoy. The end of our music week will be the final public concert performed by all of you, where you can inspire the regional and national audience with your talent. Participants from all countries are very welcome. The programme will therefore be in English and German. Location Stephansstift Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung (ZEB) Tagungs- und Gästehaus, Kirchröder Straße 44, 30625 Hanover, Germany www.stephansstift.de Leader: Michael Kuhlmann, church musician and blind choirmaster Guiding persons are available on site. However, a certain degree of independence is required, e.g. orientation in your own room and in the seminar building, dressing, personal hygiene, eating. You can also bring a guiding person with you if you need additional support. Participation fee €300 for participants, €150 for accompanying persons. The fee includes accommodation with full board, course programme and materials. Registration by 1 May 2024 using the enclosed form by email to the DBSV - Lea Eberle, l.eberle@dbsv.org If you are taking part in the music week for the first time, please send a small, non-professional recording of your singing to assess your voice and set up the choir accordingly. You can also send in instrumental contributions. This will help us to plan the music week. Please send your audio material together with your registration as an audio file or download link. Registration form for the DBSV Music Week 27 July - 4 August 2024 in Hanover Please complete on your PC if possible and return by email by 1 May 2024 to DBSV - Lea Eberle Rungestr. 19 - 10179 Berlin Mail: l.eberle@dbsv.org We need the following information to be able to prepare the course in the best possible way. Surname, first name: Address Telephone E-mail: Date of birth: Accompanying person (name, address): I play the following instruments: I bring the following instruments: [ ] I already sing in a choir My singing voice: [ ] Alto [ ] Soprano [ ] Bass [ ] Tenor I have already worked with musical notation [ ] in braille [ ] in blackletter [ ] I come with a guide dog Room request: [ ] Single room [ ] Double room I would like to share my room with: (Please arrange this in advance with the desired room mate!) I or my companion need special food, namely: Other, e.g. allergies, illnesses or medication: I hereby bindingly register myself and, if applicable, my fellow travellers for the above-mentioned event and accept the following conditions of participation. Date, signature (Registration by e-mail with the completed Word document is also valid without a handwritten signature). Conditions of participation Enrolment form Registration must be made in writing to the DBSV and is binding. If the number of participants is limited, the DBSV reserves the right to organise a selection procedure. After the registration deadline, the participant will receive a written confirmation of registration. The right to participate shall only arise after written confirmation by the DBSV and timely payment of the participant fee. Room reservations will be made exclusively by the DBSV. Only rooms reserved by the DBSV can be invoiced. If the registered participant cancels his/her registration before the registration deadline, he/she will not incur any costs. If it is not possible for the DBSV to cancel already booked rooms after the registration deadline without incurring costs, the participant will be charged for the resulting expenses. Changes of speakers and changes to the programme of the event do not entitle the participant to withdraw from the registration or to reduce the participant fee. In the case of participants who are minors, the legal guardians transfer the supervision of their child to the event management. They shall inform the DBSV of all matters that are important in the supervision of the child, such as other illnesses, allergies, medication, etc. Underage participants must follow the instructions of the event management; if they fail to do so, they may be excluded from the event and sent home early at the expense of their legal guardians. Data protection The participant is aware and consents to the following when registering for the event - that the personal data required for the organisation of the event will be stored by the DBSV on (electronic) data carriers. The participant expressly consents to the collection, processing and utilisation of personal data. The stored personal data will of course be treated confidentially by the DBSV. - that the personal data required for the organisation of the event will also be passed on to the conference venue. - that his/her data (name and e-mail address) will be included in a list of participants which will be handed out to the participants of the event. - The collection, processing and use of the participant's personal data is carried out in compliance with data protection regulations. The participant has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time with effect for the future. In this case, the DBSV is obliged to delete the participant's personal data immediately. Photo and film permission Photographs and films will be taken during the events for documentation purposes. By submitting the registration form, the participant agrees that photographs or film recordings taken during the event may be stored, used and published for documentation and publication in the media (print and online). These may also be passed on to third parties for this purpose. In this context, the participants waive any payment of fees and make no claims in connection with the use of their photographs. Photo or film permission is not a prerequisite for participation in the event. It can be cancelled in writing by post, e-mail or fax at the time of registration and before the event. Terms of payment The participation fee is due on the date specified in the confirmation letter or invoice. Cancellation The DBSV reserves the right to cancel an event, e.g. in the event of insufficient participation or illness. Payments already made will be refunded in this case. Any further claims for damages are excluded. Reiner Delgado (Head Social Affairs) German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband, DBSV) Rungestraße 19 - 10179 Berlin - Germany Phone: +49-30-285387-240 Mail: r.delgado@dbsv.org - Web: www.dbsv.org Obligatory data: www.dbsv.org/impressum.html